
Quarterly Newsletter

Dear Member of the Game Theory Society,

The Society's 6th World Congress takes place in 2020 in Budapest, Hungary. It will be co-located with the 21st ACM Conference on Economics and Computation.

In the run up to the Congress, the Society seeks nominations for the Kalai prize. The prize is awarded to the person (or persons) who have published the best paper at the interface of game theory and computer science in the last 14 years. The precise eligibility rules can be found here. The prize committee is: Tim Roughgarden, Ilya Segal, Rakesh Vohra, Jean Jacques Herings and Herve Moulin. Please submit nominations by October 31st, 2019 to the GTS technical secretariat (

In tandem, the Association for Computing Machinery's special interest group for economics and computation (ACM-SIGecom) presents a test of time award. The award is for a paper or series of papers on a topic in the intersection of economics and computation. Any member of SIGecom may submit a nomination. Non-members may route their nominations through Herve Moulin or Rakesh Vohra.
