News related to game theory are listed for your information.  The activities therein are not organized by the Game Theory Society unless stated otherwise.

In Memoriam: Bezalel Peleg (1936-2019)

Bezalel Peleg was born in the town of Afula located in what was then the British Mandate of Palestine. According to the 1931 census, Afula contained 874 inhabitants and 236 houses. Peleg grew with town, leaving it for the Hebrew University by the time its population had almost quadrupled. At ...

In Memoriam: Michel Balinski (1933-2019)

Has, after a long illness passed away. Though born in Geneva, he spent the early part of his life in France. The 1940 invasion of France propelled the Balinski family to the United States. He returned to France 40 years later where he settled. Balinski received his PhD under the ...

In Memoriam: Martin Shubik (1926-2018)

Martin Shubik, he of the Shapley-Shubik assignment game, and the Shapley-Shubik power index passed away on Wednesday August 24, 2018. As he passed into the `seventh age' of man he suffered a progressive muscle disorder characterized by muscle inflammation, weakness, and atrophy (wasting). Born in England, he was the middle ...

2018 Election Outcomes of the Israeli Game Theory Society

The Israeli Chapter of the Game Theory Society elected Yair Tauman as the President and Igal Milchtaich as the Executive Officer for the period 2018–2020 ...

Kreps, Milgrom and Wilson win John J. Carty Award

David M. Kreps, Paul Milgrom and Robert Wilson, familiar names to members of the Society, were awarded the US National Academy of Sciences John J. Carty award for the advancement of science. The citation reads, in part: Kreps and Wilson provided a framework, known as sequential equilibrium, for modeling dynamic ...