(mailed to GTS members by Eric van Damme on Mon, 21 Jan 2008)

The elections were announced on December 19, 2007 and January 15, 2008 was the final day on which people could vote. 108 members of the GTS voted, which is 35% of the GTS members. (In 2005, 32% of the GTS members voted; in 2003, 45%.) The following 12 members of the Council ended their terms:

Ken Binmore, David Blackwell, Pradeep Dubey, Joe Halpern, Josef Hofbauer, Michael Maschler, Andreu Mas-Colell, Leon Petrosjan, Rob Porter, David Schmeidler, William Thomson, and Stef Tijs.

The officers of the GTS thank all of them for their services to the Society.

The officers had proposed a list of 19 candidates for participation in this election. Below you find the candidates that have been elected as well as the composition of the Council as of January 1, 2008. We welcome the new council members and thank all persons that have participated in this year’s election, either as candidates or as voters.

Newly elected members:

Martin Cripps
Olivier Gossner
Vijay Krishna
Barton Lipman
Benny Moldovanu
Steve Morris
Barry O’Neill
Motty Perry
Philip Reny
Larry Samuelson
Joel Sobel
Yair Tauman